January 17, 2015 THE MARIJUANA MODELS The Marijuana Models™ Goodnight🌜 : @l0ud #marijuanamodels #kushcommon Ft Model @miss_mollylake #marijuanamodels #kushcommon Been feeling really annoyed about this lately and wanted to let you guys know, sometimes you're paying a shit ton of money for something that's just being resold to you Nothing but respect for businesses that design their own products or hey, even resell things the general public can't buy. But you guys paying 20,30,40,50+ for the exact same unbranded thing you could buy yourself for under $10 just doesn't sit right. ️️️️️️️️️️️ Props to someone like @missmaryjaneco who designs and makes her own, unique leggings and other apparel Just telling it how it is! Love you guys! #marijuanamodels #kushcommon Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.