February 2, 2015 THE MARIJUANA MODELS The Marijuana Models™ Lol @relegalization #marijuanamodels #kushcommon Ft Model @tinythc enjoying her morning in her YOU CAN shirt🌞 Enter our giveaway to win one (rules are two posts back!) or snag one in our store before they're all gone ️SHOP.KUSHCOMMON.COM #marijuanamodels #kushcommon GIVEAWAY TIME! To be entered to win: ️Repost this picture ️Tag #haylasthirdhigh & @_mothergreen @thirdeyepinecones @marijuanamodels in the caption️ ️And make sure you're following all 3 of us! The winner chosen at random will receive an awesome pipe from @_mothergreen, TWO beautiful @thirdeyepinecones (perfect for Valentine's Day!) and one of our last tie-dye You Can Tees!!! #marijuanamodels #kushcommon Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.